Secure Password


Secure Password

A Strong Password is defined as a password that is reasonably difficult to guess in a short period of time either through human guessing or the use of specialized software.


Due to the increase in cyber threats around the world these days, KCCU is upgrading Member Direct (Online Banking) to add a stronger, more secure password. Starting JUNE 17th, 2019, you will be required to have a new password for your online account that is between 8 and 30 characters in length. This is to help ensure that hackers are not able to gain access to your account by making it almost impossible for them to figure out your code or for a computer to determine it. (Please see below for the full requirements for your new Strong Password)


Hackers today have computers doing the work by using dictionary hacking software. These programs use an English dictionary list to easily find words contained in it to try and use to gain access to an account. They will even try other variations of a word, for example, the program would try dog, then proceed to try dogs, dogcatcher, dogcatchers, dogma, dogmatic, dog1, dog2 etc.


Password guessing tools can submit hundreds or thousands of words per minute. If a password is anything close to a dictionary word, it is extremely insecure. By making your password more secure, and adding more characters, it becomes almost impossible for a hacker to figure out yours. For example;


Requirements for your new password

  • Must be at least 8 characters and up to 30 characters maximum
  • Must contain at least one UPPER CASE letter
  • Must contain at least one lower case letter
  • Must contain at least one number
  • There can be no spaces
  • Special characters are optional


How to create a strong password

There are several ways to create a good, strong password. Below you will find a few tips to help get you started.


One way to set up a strong password is to start with a simple password and turn it into one that is much more complex. The table below shows a few examples of simple passwords that are progressively made stronger.

 A few other examples would be

  • Dog.lov3r
  • dOG.lov3R
  • i7ovemydog!
  • Sn00pdoggyd0G
  • C@tsanddogs


By injecting numbers and special characters instead of letters, it makes your password almost impossible for a computer program to hack.


Another way to create a good password is to use sentences or phrases. By adding more characters to the password, it makes it exponentially more difficult to hack. To make it even more difficult mix in upper and lower case letters with at least one special character.






You can also string a series of random words together. For instance, a password like “Blanketmusktargetcarp1” is fairly easy for you to remember but extremely difficult to guess. One again, add special characters to this and it is even more secure. (Blank3tmusk7argetc@rp).


What not to use for a password

  • Your name or that of a close relative
  • Your birth date, telephone number or address or that of a close relative
  • Your pets name
  • Model of your vehicle
  • Your favourite sport, sports team
  • Your KCCU member number (Account number)
  • Your Membercard (debit card) number
  • Any password you currently use for any other site
  • Any other combination of letters, numbers and words that can easily be associated to you
  • Do not use any of the most commonly used passwords, even if modified for your account as they are easier to guess. These include, but not limited to
    • Password
    • Abcd1234
    • Qwerty
    • Letmein
    • Welcome
    • Iloveyou


Tips for keeping your password safe

  • Do not write your password down or store it in an insecure manner
  • Do not use the automatic login functionality on your computer to remember your password
  • Keep your password confidential. Do not share this with anyone, for any reason
  • Do not change your password on a public computer. Always do it on a computer at home that you trust
  • Follow the guidelines above to create a secure password so it cannot be easily guessed or hacked




Helpful Links

How to change your online Password

How to contact your branch

Brute Force Cyber Attacks