Privacy & Security

Kingston Community Credit Union is committed to protecting the personal information of credit union members, employees and other individuals. In order to protect all personal information collected, used or disclosed by Kingston Community Credit Union, we have adopted the Credit Union Code for the Protection of Personal Information.

On our web site, we only collect personal information required to improve the services we offer, to improve our site content and, with your permission, to contact you with information about our services. We will not share any personal information obtained on this web site with any other organization without your express knowledge and consent.

For more information on our web site Privacy Statement, please read below.

Information we collect on our site

You can visit all public areas of our site without providing any personal information about yourself. Our Web site collects only non-personal information based on a visitor’s Internet Protocol (IP) address (this is not personally identifiable). Information collected includes the date and time of visit, the type of Internet browser used to access the site, the referring address (the link a visitor uses to access the site). This data is used to create statistics on site usage and improve online services.

Kingston Community Credit Union’s internal Web site is solely for the use of authorized members of boards, committees, management and staff of the Credit Union. Access requires a special “User Name” and “Password.” Personal information that is collected on this internal web site is used solely for security and site management purposes and to facilitate business functions of Kingston Credit Union.

Will a cookie be set on my computer when I visit this site?

To help us manage our web site, we set a cookie on your computer that expires when you close your web browser.

If you send us an e-mail, any information provided by you will only be used for the purposes of responding to your inquiry or acting on your request. We will not use your name or e-mail address for any other purposes without additional consent.

Links to other Web sites

Our website contains links to other web sites that are part of, affiliated with, or have a business relationship with Kingston Community Credit Union. When you leave our site to visit one of these other sites, the only information transferred to the new site is the fact that you came from the Kingston Community Credit Union web site. Transmission of this referring address allows other sites to monitor their own web traffic, but does not disclose any personal information about you.

Internet Security

When dealing with your money, you can’t be too safe. This is why Kingston Community Credit Union uses the most up-to-date security measures when handling your banking information. Our online banking solution offers industry standard encryption for all transactions, whether banking online, using the ATM or point-of-sale with your debit card. This state of the art encryption ensures that your banking information and transaction details cannot be accessed or read while in transit and your banking information remains secure.

Protecting Your PAC (Personal Access Code)

When banking online, your Personal Access Code, along with the answers to your security questions, protects your privacy and the security of your banking information.This code is unique to you and your account and should never be shared with anyone in order to protect your privacy and maintain the security of your banking information. Kingston Community Credit Union will never request your PAC whether you’re banking in person or over the internet.

Key points to remember

  • Choose a PAC that is easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess.
  • Never include any part of your account details or PIN as part of your PAC
  • Never share your PAC with anyone, whether in person, in email or over the phone
  • Never write your PAC down or record it.
  • Change your PAC on a regular basis.
  • Always make a point of logging off when you’ve completed your online banking.

Don’t Use:

  • A password you use for any other service
  • Your name or a close relative’s name
  • Your birth date, telephone number or address, or those of a close relative
  • Your KCCU account number
  • Your card number

How do I contact Kingston Community Credit Union with Questions or Concerns?

We welcome any questions or concerns about our Internet Privacy Statement, or the practices of this site. Please contact us by e-mail or in writing at the following address:

Privacy Officer
Kingston Community Credit Union Ltd.
795 Gardiners Road
Kingston Ontario, Canada K7M 7E6

or e-mail to


Kingston Community Credit Union reserves the right to amend its Internet Privacy Statement and its Privacy Code at any time with or without notice. Please check this page periodically for changes.

Kingston Community Credit Union is committed to protecting the personal information of credit union members, employees and other individuals. In order to protect all personal information collected, used or disclosed by Kingston Community Credit Union, we have adopted the Credit Union Code for the Protection of Personal Information.

On our web site, we only collect personal information required to improve the services we offer, to improve our site content and, with your permission, to contact you with information about our services. We will not share any personal information obtained on this web site with any other organization without your express knowledge and consent.

For more information on our web site Privacy Statement, please read below.

Information we collect on our site

You can visit all public areas of our site without providing any personal information about yourself. Our Web site collects only non-personal information based on a visitor’s Internet Protocol (IP) address (this is not personally identifiable). Information collected includes the date and time of visit, the type of Internet browser used to access the site, the referring address (the link a visitor uses to access the site). This data is used to create statistics on site usage and improve online services.

Kingston Community Credit Union’s internal Web site is solely for the use of authorized members of boards, committees, management and staff of the Credit Union. Access requires a special “User Name” and “Password.” Personal information that is collected on this internal web site is used solely for security and site management purposes and to facilitate business functions of Kingston Credit Union.

Will a cookie be set on my computer when I visit this site?

To help us manage our web site, we set a cookie on your computer that expires when you close your web browser.

If you send us an e-mail, any information provided by you will only be used for the purposes of responding to your inquiry or acting on your request. We will not use your name or e-mail address for any other purposes without additional consent.

Links to other Web sites

Our website contains links to other web sites that are part of, affiliated with, or have a business relationship with Kingston Community Credit Union. When you leave our site to visit one of these other sites, the only information transferred to the new site is the fact that you came from the Kingston Community Credit Union web site. Transmission of this referring address allows other sites to monitor their own web traffic, but does not disclose any personal information about you.

Internet Security

When dealing with your money, you can’t be too safe. This is why Kingston Community Credit Union uses the most up-to-date security measures when handling your banking information. Our online banking solution offers industry standard encryption for all transactions, whether banking online, using the ATM or point-of-sale with your debit card. This state of the art encryption ensures that your banking information and transaction details cannot be accessed or read while in transit and your banking information remains secure.

Protecting Your PAC (Personal Access Code)

When banking online, your Personal Access Code, along with the answers to your security questions, protects your privacy and the security of your banking information.This code is unique to you and your account and should never be shared with anyone in order to protect your privacy and maintain the security of your banking information. Kingston Community Credit Union will never request your PAC whether you’re banking in person or over the internet.

Key points to remember

  • Choose a PAC that is easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess.
  • Never include any part of your account details or PIN as part of your PAC
  • Never share your PAC with anyone, whether in person, in email or over the phone
  • Never write your PAC down or record it.
  • Change your PAC on a regular basis.
  • Always make a point of logging off when you’ve completed your online banking.

Don’t Use:

  • A password you use for any other service
  • Your name or a close relative’s name
  • Your birth date, telephone number or address, or those of a close relative
  • Your KCCU account number
  • Your card number

How do I contact Kingston Community Credit Union with Questions or Concerns?

We welcome any questions or concerns about our Internet Privacy Statement, or the practices of this site. Please contact us by e-mail or in writing at the following address:

Privacy Officer
Kingston Community Credit Union Ltd.
795 Gardiners Road
Kingston Ontario, Canada K7M 7E6

or e-mail to

Kingston Community Credit Union is committed to protecting your privacy by keeping your personal information accurate, confidential, and secure during collection, use, and disclosure.

Privacy legislation sets the rules for how we can collect, use, and disclose your personal information.

Personal information means information about an identifiable individual. This can include information such as your name, home address, telephone number, birth date, email address, and social insurance number. It can also include financial information such as your bank account number, credit rating, or income. Personal information can be collected in several ways, including through our forms, documents that you provide, or our online banking system. We keep all the personal information that we collect securely protected in physical and electronic files.

The 10 Privacy Principles
The following privacy principles guide our handling of your personal information:

  1. Accountability
  2. Identifying Purposes
  3. Consent
  4. Limiting Collection
  5. Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
  6. Accuracy
  7. Safeguards
  8. Openness
  9. Individual Access
  10. Challenging Compliance

We have comprehensive privacy policies and processes based on these principles that govern how and why we collect, use, and disclose your personal information. Our Privacy Officer can give you more information about our policies and processes (see the contact details at the end of this brochure).

Why We Collect Your Personal Information
At the time that we collect your personal information, we will tell you why we are collecting it and how it will be used and disclosed. This information will be included in the form we use to request and record your consent. We will only collect as much personal information as we need to meet the stated purposes, and we will only use and disclose your personal information for the same purposes.

If we wish to use and/or disclose your personal information for a purpose that is not required for a product or service you request, such as marketing, we will ask for your express consent* before proceeding to use your information in this way.

*Express consent is when you clearly accept the terms of a consent request.

Using Your Social Insurance Number (SIN)
We are required by law to obtain your SIN to report interest on your deposits, dividends on your shares, and other investment income to the Canada Revenue Agency. Use of your SIN for any other purpose is optional, and you have the right to refuse your consent. However, allowing us to use your SIN for administrative purposes can help us keep your records separate from other individuals with the same name. And if you apply for credit products or credit-related services, allowing us to use your SIN to verify your identity will ensure that we obtain your full personal credit report and not one belonging to someone else.

How We Use Your Personal Information
We need to be able to use and disclose your personal information to be able to provide you with the products and services you request and to run the Credit Union effectively.

We use your personal information to

  • verify your identity and ensure your records are kept separate from those belonging to other people;
  • process your application for an account, and to provide and administer your accounts and related products and services;
  • allow us to assess and manage risk from the products and services you request;
  • obtain a full credit report on you, where appropriate and with your express consent;
  • protect you and us from fraud and error, including identity theft;
  • collect debts you owe to us;
  • provide you with access to online banking and to administer and manage your access rights;
  • market to you, but only with your express consent.

We may send you communications by commercial electronic message where you have provided your express consent to this. These are messages sent by electronic means, including email, voice, sound, text, or image, and must meet certain legal requirements.

Detailed information about how we use your personal information will be provided at the time that we ask for your consent to such uses.

How We Disclose Your Personal Information
We will disclose your personal information to various parties, such as participants in the payment and clearing systems, and third-party product and service providers.

Third-party product and service providers can include the following:

  • data service providers (e.g., banking system providers)
  • cheque printers
  • card manufacturers
  • provincial or national central credit unions and trade associations
  • credit reporting and fraud checking agencies
  • marketing partners
  • individuals and agencies involved in debt collection
  • participants in the payment and clearing systems.

Except as permitted or required by law, we will only disclose your personal information to be able to provide you with the products and services you request and to allow us to effectively run the Credit Union.

We are responsible for all personal information we collect from you, even if it is disclosed to another party. We will ensure that any other parties that hold your personal information have safeguards in place to protect your personal information. In addition, we will only deal with reputable organizations.
If you have accounts that are joint with other persons, any or all of your personal information may be disclosed to all joint account holders.

Detailed information about how we disclose your personal information will be provided at the time that we ask for your consent to such disclosures.

How Long We Keep Your Personal Information
We keep your information only for as long as we need it to

  • administer products and services; and/or
  • meet any legal, regulatory, or tax requirements.

We will securely destroy, dispose of, or anonymize your personal information when it is no longer needed or serving any of the purposes outlined above.

How You Can View, Verify, and Correct Your Personal Information
The personal information we hold about you will be accurate and complete as of the date you provide it. You can request access to see your personal information. If you think any of your personal information is wrong, you can ask that we correct it.

If you want to see and/or correct your personal information, please contact an employee or our Privacy Officer. You will need to provide as much information as you can to help us process your request, such as dates, account numbers, and any other details that can help us track down the information you require. More information about the request process, including time limits for providing our response, will be provided at the time you make the request.

If you want to see a copy of your personal credit report, please contact a credit reporting agency. We can provide assistance if you need help contacting a credit reporting agency.

How to Withdraw Consent for the Collection, Use, and/or Disclosure of Your Personal Information
You can withdraw your consent for the collection, use, and/or disclosure of your personal information at any time, subject to legal and contractual restrictions, by providing written notice to us. We will comply with your request within a reasonable time.

If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with products and services that you currently have or request in the future. We will tell you of the consequences of withdrawing your consent before we process your request.

Please note that even if you withdraw your consent, we may have to retain your personal information for a period of time for legal or business purposes.

How We Protect Your Personal Information
We will protect your personal information through a combination of physical, technological, and organizational measures, which can include secure storage, passwords, and encryption. Access to your personal information will be restricted to employees with the appropriate clearance level who need the information to do their jobs.

How You Can Protect Your Personal Information
You may access your accounts with a Member Card® debit card, online banking, and/or telephone banking. To do so, you must use personal security codes that you choose. These security codes protect your accounts and your personal information from unauthorized access. It is your responsibility to protect your security codes.

The following tips can help you protect your accounts and personal information from unauthorized access:

  • Do not choose obvious numbers (e.g., birth date, 12345) or words (e.g., child’s name) for your personal security codes
  • Do not write down or record your personal codes
  • Do not send confidential information to us or anyone else through email, text messages, or social media
  • Keep your account and credit card statements, blank cheques, and your personal financial information in a safe place at all times, such as a locked cabinet or a safe
  • Tell us immediately if you suspect that your personal security codes are known by anyone else
  • Review your account statements carefully, within 30 days of receipt. If you do not receive account statements, regularly review your account online
  • Tell us immediately if your address changes or if you find any errors in your information.

Our Website and Use of Cookies
When you visit our website and/or use online banking, our computer systems may record certain information in the form of cookies, such as which pages you visit, the time and date of your visit, and the IP address of your computer. We use this anonymous information to analyze and improve the performance of our website.

In most cases cookies collect generic information. However in some cases, the cookies we use may collect some personal information about you. We will protect this information in the same way as we protect other personal information we collect about you. You may be able to disable use of cookies through your internet browser, but this may affect your browsing experience, and you may not be able to access certain areas of our website, such as online banking.

If you have any questions, please contact our Privacy Officer.

Our Privacy Officer can answer your questions about personal information and privacy and provide you with information about our policies and practices. Our Privacy Officer can also help you complete an access to information request, help you correct your personal information, and try to resolve any concerns or complaints you have regarding our policies or practices.

Privacy Officer
Kingston Community Credit Union Ltd.
795 Gardiners Road
Kingston Ontario, Canada K7M 7E6

or e-mail to


Legal & Online Polices

The information contained in this website and pages within is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to provide specific financial, tax, accounting, legal or other advice and should not be relied upon.  In any matter, you should seek professional advice relevant to your own circumstance.

Information and data provided in this website is not guaranteed to be current, accurate, or complete, and is subject to change without notice.  Kingston Community Credit Union does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of any such information and expressly disclaims any liability for errors or omissions in this information.  Your use of the site and reliance on any information on the site is solely at your own risk.

Any links to other web sites are provided for convenience only and no endorsement of any third-party products or services is expressed or implied by any information referred to or linked from or to our website.  Kingston Community Credit Union is not responsible for the contents of any third-party websites. We do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered by third- party websites linked through the site, or any website or feature linked in any banner or other advertising.  We will not be a party to or in any way be responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and third-party providers or products or services.



This website has been designed and developed with the intention to provide accessibility to the widest possible audience. We are committed to removing barriers to accessibility and ensuring that our information is available to all users.

As part of this commitment to enable all users to navigate and interact with our website content, we follow best practices for user accessibility, including:

  • providing an Accessibility Adjustment tool on our website that allows for multiple adjustments. Simple click on this icon at the bottom of our website for adjustment options.
  • the use of alt text for images
  • content that can be enlarged
  • webpages that are fully navigable by keyboard or other assistive technologies


Web Browser Accessibility

For the best experience with our website, we recommend you keep your browser up to date, as new browsers have enhanced accessibility options and integration with assistive technologies.

Adjust your computer’s settings for a better experience

You can improve your online experience by customizing your computer’s settings to meet your individual needs. For example, you can increase the size of all fonts or change the colour scheme.  You may also use our Accessibility Adjustment tool to meet your needs on our website.

Have Questions or Concerns?

We welcome your comments on the accessibility of our site and any suggestions for improvement.

Additionally, please contact us if we can assist with providing documentation in alternate formats or if you are experiencing difficulties with the accessibility of our website.

This website has been designed and developed with the intention to provide accessibility to the widest possible audience. We are committed to removing barriers to accessibility and ensuring that our information is available to all users.

As part of this commitment to enable all users to navigate and interact with our website content, we follow best practices for user accessibility, including:

  • providing an Accessibility Adjustment tool on our website that allows for multiple adjustments. Simple click on this icon at the bottom of our website for adjustment options.
  • the use of alt text for images
  • content that can be enlarged
  • webpages that are fully navigable by keyboard or other assistive technologies


Web Browser Accessibility

For the best experience with our website, we recommend you keep your browser up to date, as new browsers have enhanced accessibility options and integration with assistive technologies.

Adjust your computer’s settings for a better experience

You can improve your online experience by customizing your computer’s settings to meet your individual needs. For example, you can increase the size of all fonts or change the colour scheme.  You may also use our Accessibility Adjustment tool to meet your needs on our website.

Have Questions or Concerns?

We welcome your comments on the accessibility of our site and any suggestions for improvement.

Additionally, please contact us if we can assist with providing documentation in alternate formats or if you are experiencing difficulties with the accessibility of our website.

We are committed to ensuring our online services are accessible to all users. The information below suggests how to obtain the best user experience on our website and explains what we have done to make the website accessible.

Please use our Accessibility Adjuster found on website

Adjust your computer’s settings for a better experience

You can improve your online experience by customizing your computer’s settings to meet your individual needs. For example, you can increase the size of all fonts or change the colour scheme.

Keep your browser updated

We recommend you keep your browsers up-to-date. Newer browsers tend to provide more display options to make content accessible, and may work better with assistive technologies.

How we have made our website accessible

We have created our website in accordance with the World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. These guidelines assist website developers by describing best practices for creating websites that are accessible to all users.

Some of the ways we achieve online accessibility include:

  • Building webpages in a way that allows you to disable the CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) on your browsers or modify the text size using browser controls if the colours or fonts make content difficult to read.
  • Providing a ‘skip to content’ link at the top of all pages, allowing you to quickly access the body content on each page while avoiding headers and navigation.
  • Creating webpages that allow visually impaired users to navigate the site effectively with a screen reading aid. For example, images have text-based descriptions, title attributes tell users where a link will take them if they click on it, and structured headings provide an overview of the site that lets users jump quickly to desired sections.

Contact us if you have trouble using our website

If you experience difficulties in accessing any content or functionality on our website, please contact us. We are always open to making improvements to provide the best possible online experience for our users.

A third party is an individual or entity, other than the account holder or those authorized to give instructions about the account, who directs what happens with the account. For example, if an account were opened in one individual’s name for deposits that are directed by someone else, the other person or entity would be a third party.

  • A secondary piece of identification from the primary list above
  • Canadian Birth Certificate
  • Credit Card bearing the name and signature of the individual which has issued by a well-known and reputable Canadian financial institution
  • A CNIB (Canadian Institute for the Blind) client card bearing the individual’s photo and signature
  • Provincial Outdoors Card
  • Canadian University or College Student Card with photo (for student identification only)
  • An employee identification card (with photo) issued by an employer that is well known in the community (i.e. KGH, DND, Queens University, Corrections Canada, etc.)
  • Foreign passport
  • Canadian Passport
  • Permanent resident card
  • Citizenship card (issued prior to 2012)
  • Secure Certificate of Indian Status issued by the Government of Canada
  • Driver’s licenses issued by province or territory
  • The DND (Department of National Defense) 404 driver’s license
  • Nexus Card issued by Canada Border Services Agency
  • Provincial Service Cards
  • Provincial or territorial identity cards (i.e. Ontario Photo Identification Card)
  • Foreign Passport (only if it is equivalent to a Canadian issued photo identification document)